Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I just don't understand. How people are such selfish things. To where there is favoritism, always putting a person on a petiole and others get thrown in the dirt. What the heck? Such people are unfair, all my life I've had to deal with that. I'm tired of it. I always knew the real world would be bad, but this isn't the real world. I should of known parents would be the worse with favoritism. But I'd think that the good child would get all the love. Would anyone? So why is this pathetic pedophile thief piece of crap the favorite child? All he does is steal! Steal from him mom, steal from his dad, steal from his brothers, and steal from strangers! While lying to try to get his way, even getting a person pregnant just so the attention won't fall off him! Despicable! Who does that, and still gets all the love? She'll do anything for the person that yells at her, makes her cries, and steals from her! And I've had enough, I'm tired to telling she doesn't let him to that to her, tired of watching her hand over what little money she has in her pocket.
People like her are WEAK. Just because he's your son does not mean he has the right to treat you like his slave! You're the parent not him! I don't understand why she does all this. If she were my mom, that bastard of a son would never get a dime. And if he tried to steal her card and wasted 170$ at Wal-mart on crap? Jail time is what he would of got! But no, he gets away with it. And she acts like it's nothing bad, just walking around telling the story like it's an accomplishment! Like, "yeah he stole money from me, AGAIN, but I'm okay with it". Everyone looking at her like she's crazy!
I love her so much. She's just like a mother to me. Why does she constantly let herself get hurt by him??? I'll never understand. And thanks to them. I'll always look at my son and wonder if he'll turn out like that. Because if he does. I don't think I'll be able to do the same as her. I think I would just disown him...
Sorry, but I am not so weak that I'd let my own son walk all over me because I'm afraid he'll stop loving me. Because with all I've been through with my own mother. I know, no matter how much hatred there is out in the open... A child will never hate their parents.

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