Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Eh Post.

Since I have some free time. Skyler's sleeping in his crib. And no one's here but myself. I guess I'll just randomly type. To take away some of the boredom. Well, ehh. Being a mom as a teen. Wow, epic stuff man. Being a parent has literally changed a lot about me. My opinion on certain things. And just the overall way I act and react to things. But not COMPLETELY. I'm still somewhat myself. But now that I have another person, besides myself, depending on me. I feel like I'm lost? Well not lost, but like completely cornered with responsibilities. I mean what did I expect? I knew it would be tough being a parent. But I wanted my son, deeply. I suppose it's that same ol' story, "I just want someone to always love and need and be there for me." Though I know there are plenty of times when I really don't love my mom. I will always LOVE LOVE her though. But yeah, I don't know. Just the typical reason for wanting a child. I need I know I don't have like 100% percent of the best things for a child. But let me tell you, my boyfriend and I are doing our best. Unlike some people out there, I shall name no names. But they have kids knowing that they do not need a child and will not be able to support a child. A grown a** man, with his younggger girlfriend jumping from house to house with their new born. Constantly stealing money and begging for diapers, while on the other hand wasting money on drugs. Like what the heck!? Why did you have that child?? Just to make them suffer?? Just because you wanted some more attention on you, you create a life you can't EVER support!?? What ever! I can't stand when people have babies to take advance of the fact that they do have that child. To milk what ever they can from another certain person. Like wow, self-esteem issues must have something to do with it. But I mean I'm not trying to say I'm perfect. Because I'm DEFF NOT! Blaaah.
My boyfriend and I try our hardest not to depend on others toooo much. Which we don't! He has a good paying job, and I'm starting college soon. We pay bills, we don't mooch money off our push over loved ones. I'd say we're doing a VERY okay job in taking care of our family. Even though sometimes yeaaah it gets hard. When he's crying in pain, and it breaks my heart. But I just can't tell what's wrong. Or when I wisssh I could have some freedom like when I was still young, but I can't because when I look at him I know that even though this life isn't the Craziest Funniest life. It's the MOST AMAZING LIFE EVER. Point Blank.

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